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【MMB-198】2017年桃太郎ベスト5時間!これが見納めパラドックスAV決定版! 九言 | 东说念主生少忧虑,生计才好玩。 - 欧美性爱天天影视
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【MMB-198】2017年桃太郎ベスト5時間!これが見納めパラドックスAV決定版! 九言 | 东说念主生少忧虑,生计才好玩。

2024-07-25 02:04    点击次数:202

【MMB-198】2017年桃太郎ベスト5時間!これが見納めパラドックスAV決定版! 九言 | 东说念主生少忧虑,生计才好玩。


Life is short, and in the blink of an eye, if you don't laugh heartily, won't you regret it in the future?


Life is inherently different, and we should not consider the gains of others as our own losses.


When you start to love yourself seriously, anyone and anything can be an understated page.


The world is unpredictable, and there are always things that happen whether you want to or not, and you have no choice but to accept them; There is always something, whether you hide or not, it will come, you can only face it, you can only meet it.



Don't even glance at someone who looks down on you, whether it's family or friendship, this is also the best politeness to repay them. Humility can only be exchanged for humility, never for respect!


After living alone for a long time, one gradually realizes that everything can be used to enjoy oneself, which is the most real, rich, and ultimate spiritual life.


A great cause requires determination as the rudder, ability as the sail, organization as the oar, and a sense of responsibility as the anchor, in order to ride the wind and overcome the waves.


Life is fun with less worry.


God does not allow all happiness to be concentrated on one person. Getting love does not necessarily mean getting money, having money does not necessarily mean having happiness, getting happiness does not necessarily mean having health, and having health does not necessarily mean everything will be as desired.

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